
Wednesday 30 November 2016


Today was our last hockey session. We were so lucky to have Kylie to come to PBS and teach us how to play a hockey game and teach us all the rules about hockey.  
 One of the most important rules I remembered was you weren't allowed to put the stick up in the air. We first warmed up with some warm up games then we played a game which, whoever had the same color sticks as you was in your team and if she said switch we would swoop the ball with someone else in your team I thought this was fun considering I am really bad at passing. Then we played another game that involved slide tackling but in Hockey. So you had to try and slide tackle a person and flick their ball out of the court the person with the last one standing wins. I really enjoyed our hockey lesson hopefully I get to learn more this term. Everyone had a wonder sessions with Kylie . Thank you Kylie of you for wasting your time coming to Panmure bridge school.

Monday 28 November 2016

Blog commenting

Today I have been blog commenting on Javeylor's blog. In these comment it shows what I liked about it and on the top one I asked Javeylor a question. To get more than five blog post's each eek you can do blog commenting and then take a screenshot, after you take a screenshot then post it on your blog. 

Hundertwasser's Art

This week we have been finding facts about Hundertwasser. To find out more information read my DLO. In this DLO it showed you who is Hundertwasser and what he does. The reason why we did art about Hundertwasser because his art/drawing looks interesting and pretty cool. I really like his drawing because I get inspired just like that. We all had fun. 

Team spirit

Today we had athletics part 1 at Panmure Bridge School. Before we started any activities we were first put into year levels. The first activity that the year 7's went to was station 7 how many shoots can you get in 1 minute. Everyone was happy and having fun because we all worked together which was called team spirit. Panmure bridge students were using the school value.  I really had fun because I showed team spirit so as the other people.

Thursday 24 November 2016

Special or pest

For the past few weeks for reading we have been focusing on pigeons if they were special or pest. Victoria, Manu, Mishaan, Nesi, Tiare and I all worked collaboratively to get our reading follow up done and dusted. For this task we have been using this site named multimodel. Multimodel is a website which is same as google slides but it is much easier to use. Pigeons can be special but to other they are pest. To me pigeons are special because they saved a lot of men and pigeons sent messages from this side to the other side without getting shot or killed by.  On our google slides it tells you a lot about pigeons. At the end of the slide there is a film of us students saying our opinions. 

Monday 21 November 2016

Year 7 leadership building

The beginning of term 4 the year 7s have been learning to work together because next year a few of the year 7 students which are year 8 students will become a school leader.  This week for our leadership challenge we got given a task to do with cups and rubber bands. This task was about making a pyramid by working collaboratively with your group members. In my group was Mishaan, Jorja, Javeylor and me. We all worked together to get this task done. Round one, everyone rushed to get the pyramid done Suddenly My group won because we worked collaboratively. Round to Mishaan Tiare Jorja and Shannon won round 2. We all worked collaboratively to get it done and dusted. It was really fun because we all worked collaboratively.

Jean Batten and Manfred von Richthofen

Last week we have been finding information about Jean Batten and this week Calvin and I wanted to find information about Manfred von Richthofen. Calvin and I were working so hard to complete out work and post it on to our blog. To find out more information read out DLO about Manfred and Jean Batten. I have learnt heaps of things about Jean Batten and Manfred on Richthofen. Jean Batten is famous because she was the first person to ever travel around the world, Manfred von Richthofen is famous because he shot a lot of planes down. I really had fun working with Calvin and we both focused to get our work done and dusted.

Wednesday 16 November 2016


On Tuesday night the choir students went to the Manukau Vodafone Center. The show started at 6.30. There were 24 school that were with us. It was really fun because we were up onstage singing but in the same time we felt nervous. I finally got to be on stage with other 24 schools.  Our theme was bright colors we all wore bright colors.

Wednesday 9 November 2016


For this week's writing we have been working on Hyperbole. Read my DLO to find out what Hyperbole means. Sheet one shows what is a hyperbole sentence. Hyperbole is highlighted in the color purple. Use hyperbole when writing a story because it can hook your readers into it. 

Monday 7 November 2016

Cyber smart site

Yesterday we have trialed out something new. When I first looked at this I thought to myself this is so boring but then I rolled the number 2, I clicked on the number to, it showed this task. I read what I had to do. My question was what would you do if you saw something on the webpage and you feel uncomfortable, what would you do? Read the DLO to find more information. Maybe you can try out the Cyber smart site. This is only boring if you do not understand what your doing. Make sure if you do not know what your doing go and ask someone.

Paper planes

This week and last for maths, LS2 students have been working collaboratively on a flight challenge. We had to read and follow the instruction really carefully that was showing on the T.V. Today we got into our groups and trialed each of our planes too see which plane can fly the furthest. In my group(Victoria,Mishaan,Manu,Nesi and I) we found out that Victoria's plane fly's the furthest. Then we all made a a plane that was going to look like what we wanted it to look like. Instead we looked in this book about planes and found one which was named the baby duck, it was really hard but we carried on but then we ran out of time and justed used Victoria's plane. It was time to do the challenge. Victoria had to challenge Zahn, Tai, Thomas, Shannon, Gozan and Aj. The challenge was done. Thomas came first, Tai came second and Zahn came third. This was a fun maths activity to be doing. 

Thursday 3 November 2016

The shake out - Must watch

Congratulations to Jasmine, Sylis, Reon, Thomas and Latham for creating a wonderful video for the competition that they have entered. Watch to see more. This video is about the shake out at Panmure bridge school. I really like this video because it shows that we are learning about what to do during an earthquake. When there is an earthquake u must drop, cover, and hold. Remember to use these steps.

Paper planes project

Yesterday we have started something new. Mrs Anderson has created a maths challenge. We have been trialing and making planes. This challenge was very interesting and it was very fun because everyone participated and made a plane. This was a silent challenge because Mrs Anderson wasn't talking to us in that session. Instead of Mrs Anderson talking she showed us a google slide about what we are going to do. It was really fun.

Wednesday 2 November 2016


For the past few weeks we have been learning about Godwits. Watch this presentation to find more information. Lyndon, Jorja, Mishaan and I worked together to try and finish off our presentation about Godwits. Godwits are one of the most coolest birds ever. I couldn't believe that godwits can fly from New Zealand to Alaska in one flight. When we first started to learn about godwits I didn't really care about it because I thought that they were just birds that fly around New Zealand but when we found out more information about godwits it was very interesting because that is when I found out that godwits fly from New Zealand to Alaska. I really had fun looking for information about godwits because I didn't know what kind of bird was it. Godwits are very interesting they can be found at Tahuna Torea near Glen Dowie.