
Tuesday 3 May 2016

Dog report

Dog Report

Dogs are one of my favorite animal. They can be your best friend. I think dogs are a lot of fun. There are different kinds of dogs but they all need food, special equipment and care.  

There are lots of different kinds of dogs. Dogs come in all sorts of different breeds, some dogs are mixed breeds. Some of the most well known breeds are: German Shepherd, Poodle, Spaniel, Labrador, and Boxer. Sometimes mixed breeds have some funny names. For example if you cross a labrador and a poodle you have a labradoodle.
There are lots of different dogs around the world.  All dogs need to eat and need to stay healthy. Dogs eat bones from their families but they have to eat dog food too. Dogs eat different kinds of dog food not all dogs eat the same food.

Dogs need special equipment and dogs need care by people that are responsible. Sometimes you can take your dog for a walk and take a tennis ball so that you can throw the ball and your dogs runs to get it and brings it back.

In conclusion, there are different kinds of dogs but they all need food, special equipment and care. There are different kinds of dogs but they all need food, special equipment and care. Dogs can be your best friend and that is why they are one of my favourite animals.

This is my dog report. In writing I had to type up a dog report. I found out different dog names and I found out what dogs can do when they are very active. I really enjoyed writing.

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